Monday, September 30, 2019

Treat day!

Feeding dog food as a staple is simple and affordable, but I love treat day. Snow was in the forecast for today, so yesterday I cleaned the garden of all it's small veggies and the skinks enjoyed a meal of zucchini, green bell peppers, and squash. They loved it! 

Did it actually snow? Yup. 

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Brand new!

These are my favorite geckos, and they are notoriously difficult to breed in Canada. We actually don't know of anyone who has been successful in at least 10 years. We had to go to the US to get our breeding group because there were none to be found in Canada at all. Well, we hatched out 5 last year, and today the second baby of this season hatched. I have a new birthday buddy :-) From nose to tail tip he's a bit longer than my longest finger.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Do you have your licence?

In one week we are off to Winnipeg for the Manitoba Reptile Breeder's Expo and preparation begins today! As I was printing off our "Live Wildlife Import/Export Licence", I thought it might be a good time for a reminder. Fellow Saskatchewan reptile keepers, remember that you must obtain a free "Live Wildlife Import/Export Licence" any time you move, take, or bring an animal in or out of the Province of Saskatchewan. Absolutely every time. It is law (Captive Wildlife Regulations 13 (1)). We get an Export Licence from Saskatchewan Fish, Wildlife and Lands Branch for every single animal that we take to an out of Province Reptile Expo, and we get an Import Licence to bring any unsold animals back into Saskatchewan. As residents of Saskatchewan, we (each and every one of us) need an Import Licence for any animal that we bring in to Saskatchewan from out of the province. The form is easy to fill out, and it's free, you just need to apply 14 business days before the animal will be leaving, or coming into, Saskatchewan. 

We hope to see you at an Expo this fall!