Thursday, August 24, 2017

WCRE, here we come!

We are excited to say that plans are confirmed and we will be visiting the WCRE this weekend in Red Deer AB. We have been thinking of vending there in 2018 and want to make sure that there is a place for us, that we wouldn't just be bringing tons more of what is already there. Of course we also want to shop :-). 

Let us know if you will be there early on Sunday, we would love to keep an eye out for you and say hi.

2 weeks?

We could be seeing baby turtles in as little as 2 weeks and that's cause for some huge excitement around here! We love our turtles and breeding something new excites us. This us our first time though and we still might be 4 weeks away, the first hatch of a species is always a guess as breeder temperatures and humidity determine incubation time.

Eggs 1, 2, 3, and 4 are still quite likely infertile, but we won't toss them until eggs 5, 6, and 7 have hatched and we know for sure that they have passed any possible hatch date. 

We have noticed big changes in 5, 6, and 7 lately, the clearer parts of the shells are dark where you can see the turtles and the calcium bands have have expanded making almost the whole egg chalky white. We are getting close!

Eggs 8-13 have beautiful calcium bands and are developing nicely, these ones are due to hatch about 3 weeks after 5, 6, and 7. Yay! 

We will definitely be keeping you updated!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Crazy day!

We are home 90% of the time, but of course crazy things happen on a rare day we are away. We came home Wednesday evening to 5 more turtle eggs, 4 are definitely fertile, bringing us to 7 fertile eggs and 5 unknowns! Yay! We can't wait for baby turtles to start hatching.

There were also 4 Crestie eggs waiting for us, 2 are definitely fertile. 

The last surprise was that we had a Crestie baby waiting for us. This is our 6th year breeding and this little one is our first deformity. "He" is a cutie! I love the dorsal pattern and can't wait to see what happens with it, we definitely have not hatched anyone with this solid of a dorsal before. You can see his left hind leg is twisted, it's like his knee joint is backwards. He's a bit clumsy and slow, but he can get around and climb just fine. The next couple of weeks will tell us if there are any internal issues too.