Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Trying something new

We just received this new to us crested gecko food in the mail and will be trying each of the flavors out with our crew over the next few weeks. We don't like serving our crested geckos just one brand of food, Clark's is only one flavor and they weren't eating it anymore and our crew won't touch any Repashy, so here we are. Apparently phelsuma and skinks love it too, so we will be giving some to our blue tongue skinks and the Boivini (their care is very phelsuma like). We have heard good things about it and will keep you updated. 

Right now we have 1, 2oz bag of each flavor and 1, 8oz bag of each flavor that will be for sale at the Edmonton Expo. Prices are yet to be determined, but we will post that before the Expo.

6 1/2 weeks until the Edmonton Expo! The countdown is on. In 2-3 weeks we will be weighing our babies to determine who is coming and will take quick snapshots to let you know who will be available. 

We don't take deposits on any of our reptiles, nor do we "hold" any for pick up at the Expo. We like you to come to our table, see our reptiles in person, look around the show to see what else is available and then choose. These little guys can change in the month between photos and the Expo, lighting can be deceiving, as can filters and individual computer monitor settings. It's also hard to picture their size without seeing them in person. We want you to be completely happy with your new reptile and that's best achieved with an in person decision. 

Hope to see you at the Expo!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

More blue tongue news!

Angel has been doing a great job visiting with the girls this season. Today he confirmed that Zoe is a girl, bringing our count to 2 males, 4 females, and 2 unknown. Over the past 6 weeks Angel has mated with Charlie 5 times, Buffy 3 times, and now Zoe once. We will be pairing him with Sasha this next week. Yay! Hoping for babies in the spring.